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Not to be confused with the well-known synthetic diamond simulant cubic zirconia, zircon is a zirconium-containing silicate with a variety of industrial and ornamental applications. The mineral contains small amounts of the radioactive elements thorium and uranium, which slowly break down its crystalline structure over time in a process known as metamictization. This allows zircon crystals to be tested for their age via radiometric dating, with specimens from Western Australia found to be the oldest known minerals on earth.

With a name derived from an ancient Persian for “golden-colored”, zircon has been used as a gemstone since biblical times. Under its previous name of “hyacinth”, it is traditionally associated with reddish, orangish, yellowish and/or brownish hues, while blue is perhaps most commonly encountered today.

Colorless zircon is the most convincing natural diamond simulant but has now been superseded by the synthetic materials moissanite and the above-mentioned cubic zirconia.

Zircon Characteristics

  • Hardness: 7.5 
  • Color: Reddish brown, yellow, green, blue, gray, colorless; in thin section, colorless to pale brown
  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque
  • Chemical composition: ZrSiO4
  • Crystal system: Tetragonal
  • Crystal habit: tabular to prismatic crystals, irregular grains, massive
  • Tenacity: Brittle

History of Zircon

Formed at the same time than Earth, the zircon is one of the oldest formed stones. It has been known and used for a very long time.
In spite of this antiquity, there are not a lot of information’s, myths or legends about this stone.

The zircon is also mentioned in an old Hindu poem about the mythical tree of Kalpa. This red tree was covered with precious stones and zircon leaves. It was the ultimate God’s gift.

According to some Jewish legends, an angel called Zircon would have guided Adam and Eve to the Eden garden.

The zircon is also mentioned several times in the Bible, under the old name of Hyacinth. It can be found as one of the fire stones gifted to Moses to be part of Aaron’s plastron. It is also one of the stones used to found the Celestial Jerusalem.

In the Middle-Ages, it was thought that the zircon would give a deep sleep and would get rid of bad spirits, and that it would also bring richness, honor and wisdom.

Zircon Formation

Zircon is the oldest mineral on Earth, dating back more than 4.4 billion years. Found in the Earth’s crust, it’s common in most sand and sedimentary deposits, as well as metamorphic rocks and crystallized magma.

Due to its chemical makeup, zircon has survived ages of geologic events like erosion and pressure shifts—recording these changes like a time capsule. Zircon contains the radioactive element uranium, which changes the gemstone’s chemical structure and color over time, giving us important clues about the formation of our planet.

Sources of Zircon

Zircon is found in Cambodia, Madagascar, Canada, Ukraine, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Australia. Australia leads the world in zircon mining, producing 37% of the world’s total supply of the mineral.

Zircon Enhancement

Zircon is routinely heat treated. This heat treatment has two effects on the gem:

  1. It alters the color to colorless, blue or golden (the most preferred colors for zircon) and orange to red colors.
  2. The crystal lattice of metamict zircons is restored to high type zircon.

Heat treatments are carried out in either a oxidizing or a reducing atmosphere (or a sequential combination).

  • Orangy-brown to reddish-brown zircons (“hyacinth”) are heated at around 900° C in an oxidizing atmosphere which turns them yellow to red.
  • Or when these brownish zircons are heated at around 1000-1400° C in a reducing environment, it turns them into colorless or blue. Some off-colors are the result of this process aswell.
  • These off-colored stones, from the reducing treatment, are then reheated to around 900° C in oxidizing conditions and this results in colorless, yellow, orange or red colors.

Although colorless, blue and red zircon does exist in nature, they are very rare and there is no known means available to distinguish between them and their heated counterparts.

Zircon Meaning

The name “zircon” comes from the Persian word ‘zargun’, which means ‘gold-colored’, although the mineral comes in a variety of colors. The colorless variety of zircon has been the most popular kind, as it is the most similar looking stone to diamond because if its brilliance and dispersion. Sadly, zircon is often confused with cubic zirconia, the laboratory grown imitation diamond, because of its similar name. As such, many people are unaware of the existence of this natural, beautiful stone.

Benefits of Zircon

Married life or love of a person is controlled by Venus. This stone strengthens the Venus and brings in passion, understanding, romance and satisfaction in one’s relationship. Zircon is highly recommended for people who want peace in their married life or love affair. People wearing Zircon have an artistic or a glamorous profession like acting, singing, music, dance etc. Medically this stone protects from hormonal imbalance related ailments. It is also believed that this stone benefits the urinary and reproductive system. It brings in a feel of confidence to its wearer. It also helps in improving social life of its wearer.

• It augments physical and mental strength of its wearer and is good for meditation.
• It helps in bringing visions and dreams to reality.
• It provides physical, emotional and spiritual balance.
• It brings abundance and prosperity to the family of the wearer.
• Zircon is is a very good stone for women. It helps them get along better with other women and gain superiority.
• It provides clear passage to blocked energies in the body and brings overall harmony.
• In the matters of Health, Zircon is a blessing to the people who have abdominal problems or diseases of the genitalia or reproductive system.
• Zircon helps in curing dizziness and muscle problems.
• It can be worn in necklaces, rings, pendants and bracelets. Besides beauty.
• This stone helps in enhancing the memory of the wearer.
• It helps in preventing migraine attacks and the weariness that comes with old age.
• It helps in healing the lungs, bronchial and general respiratory problems.
• It brings peace and purity to the heart.
• It is also said to be good for pregnant women and in giving them the strength to give birth.
• Zircon makes the wearer inquisitive and increases their interest in science and in the knowledge of the truth.
• This stone is known to be beneficial to those who have allergies or are suffering from asthma.
• It gives a strong feeling of confidence and strength to the wearer.
• It is believed that this stone possesses magical abilities which help in erasing negativity and the feelings of deception from the mind of the person who wears it.
• It has been used as a symbol of purity for many years.

Care Instruction

Warm, soapy water is recommended for cleaning zircon. Ultrasonic and steam cleaners are not recommended for cleaning this gem.