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Rose quartz is a pale pink variety of crystalline or polycrystalline quartz, which is commonly encountered as both a collector’s mineral and inexpensive gemstone. The hue is believed to be due to the presence of minute, pink-colored mineral inclusions, and these cause the material to be somewhat translucent. As a result, rose quartz tends to be fashioned into cabochons, beads, carvings or irregular tumbled forms, rather than being faceted.

Certain rose quartz specimens are able to the display asterism, but the star effect is only seen when light is transmitted through from behind the stone and not via the usual method of being illuminated from above.

While fully transparent, rose-colored quartz crystals have been found, these are colored via a different mechanism and are instead referred to as pink quartz. It is also worth noting that this pink coloration tends to fade upon exposure to heat and/or light.